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Adjustable White Base Natural Linen Necklace Display Mannequin Neck Bust Stand Nora

Adjustable White Base Natural Linen Necklace Display Mannequin Neck Bust Stand Nora
  • Yêu cầu ngay! 2023-07-24 03:43:52

    Adjustable White Base Natural Linen Necklace Display Mannequin Neck Bust Stand Nora

    1.vật chất:Bọt,with material foam ,you can pin it to the material,you only can pin it to the fabric.

    2.sợi vải:natural linen as picture we also have velvet for you choice. with the color such as yellow,orange,màu xanh da trời,Vân vân,it is for velvet fabric. you can put the velvet colors to the personalization form if you need the personalized color.

    3.căn cứ:trong hình,it is the white base,and we have gold,silver round base for you choice.

    4.shoulder size:14cm height:20cm adjustable base height:17-30cm

    5.chức năng:it is good for necklace display or some necklace height to the up on the chest part.

    ETSY selling listing:

    https://www.etsy.com/listing/1428408761/adjustable-white-base-natural-linen?click_key=0927d5b83ddd090bb13148d0953b67f5d2146902%3A1428408761&click_sum=6041face&ref = shop_home_active_1&frs = 1&sts = 1

    Adjustable White Base Natural Linen Necklace Display Mannequin Neck Bust Stand Nora

    Adjustable White Base Natural Linen Necklace Display Mannequin Neck Bust Stand Nora

    Adjustable White Base Natural Linen Necklace Display Mannequin Neck Bust Stand Nora


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