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Trang Chủ / Các hình thức ăn mặc / Lilladisplay Silver Tripod Base Silver Articulated Arms Linen Female Mannequin Sandra

Lilladisplay Silver Tripod Base Silver Articulated Arms Linen Female Mannequin Sandra

Lilladisplay Silver Tripod Base Silver Articulated Arms Linen Female Mannequin  Sandra
  • Yêu cầu ngay! 2023-09-01 02:24:10

    Lilladisplay Silver Tripod Base Silver Articulated Arms Linen Female Mannequin Dress Form Sandra

    Liên kết bán Etsy:https://www.etsy.com/listing/1526261595/lilladisplay-silver-tripod-base-silver?click_key=5055843dba290438ec4f9574e33a7cf35fe63dce%3A1526261595&click_sum=ab4f9dd4&ref=shop_home_active_21&frs=1&sts=1

    Link bán hàng trên Amazon:https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CC96ZL26?ref=myi_title_dp

    1.Vật chất:nhựa
    2.Sợi vải:vải lanh tự nhiên như hình ảnh
    3.Kích thước: SIZE M
    Chiều cao:82cm,vai:38cm,ngực:86cm,eo:66cm,hông:84cm.
    4.Căn cứ:Silver tripod base/silver square base
    5.Cánh tay: silver articulated arms
    Neck Choices: 01 style long, 02 style round, 03 style with linen head
    6.lô hàng: please do note the expected delivery time. Giải pháp vận chuyển nâng cấp được cung cấp với chi phí bổ sung. all our standard shipment is including VAT, and customs, Vân vân. If you use the upgraded shipment solution such as FEDEX, UPS, Vân vân, the carriers will ask your assistance to help the customs clearance with the import tax, Vân vân. Please do note this point.

    Silver Articulated Arms Linen Female Mannequin Dress Form Sandra

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