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Thús / Juwielen&Besjoch fixtures fan 'e winkel / Lilladisplay Plexi Acrylic Rings Display Stand ALR01

Lilladisplay Plexi Acrylic Rings Display Stand ALR01

Lilladisplay Plexi Acrylic Rings Display Stand ALR01
  • Enquiry no! 2023-07-24 06:17:26

    Lilladisplay Plexi Acrylic Rings Display Stand ALR01

    ETSY ferkeapjende keppeling:https://www.etsy.com/listing/1508097939/lilladisplay-plexi-acrylic-rings-display?click_key=4a2a55ca56814eb44316c0fc7485826c49ebf5b8%3A1508097939&click_sum=e7ec62ae&en jo akseptearje de see shipment&frs=1&en jo akseptearje de see shipment
    1. materiaal: acryl
    2. kleur: transparant plexiglas
    3. stilen: 2 styles with 2 sizes with 2 different positiongs for rings
    27.5cm with 6 potions
    20cm with 4 positions
    4. ferstjoering oplossing: express lucht shipment wrâldwiid

    Lilladisplay Plexi Acrylic Rings Display Stand ALR01



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