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Dar / Borża tal-ħendbeg&Xkaffa tal-Wiri tal-Aħżen taż-Żraben / Wirja vjola- stand tal-wiri tal-ħendbeg tal-kromju aġġustabbli BDR10

Wirja vjola- stand tal-wiri tal-ħendbeg tal-kromju aġġustabbli BDR10

Wirja vjola- stand tal-wiri tal-ħendbeg tal-kromju aġġustabbli BDR10
  • Inkjesta Issa! 2018-03-19 06:05:05

    BDR10 is with standard silver chrome single display rack stand. The pole for hanging the bag is height adjustable which is good for handbags, scarves, purses with different length. and hats!

    The unique part of BDR10 is that we use much thicker holding tube size and thicker material for the hanging hook which could hold much more weight than the standard handbag display stand in market.


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