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Dar / Formoli tal-ilbies / Personalized Colors M/L Size Female Mannequin Dress Form Emily

Personalized Colors M/L Size Female Mannequin Dress Form Emily

Personalized Colors M/L Size Female Mannequin Dress Form Emily
  • Inkjesta Issa! 2023-09-01 03:53:23

    Adjustable Gold Base Green Velvet Europen Size Female Mannequin Dress Form Emily

    Link tal-bejgħ Etsy:https://www.etsy.com/listing/1314396684/personalized-colors-ml-size-female?click_key=cc16b6c2e883ee669bf95e7ed3dbb71e6e0c0e88%3A1314396684&click_sum=b0f973cc&ref=shop_home_active_31&frs=1&sts=1

    1. materjal:plastik
    2.bażi: adjustable gold/silver square/tripod base
    square base weight:2.5kg economy
    3. kuluri: green/dark green, abjad, roża jaħraq, iswed, etc standard colors.
    personalizzati 99 kuluri disponibbli.
    4. Ebda armi
    5. neck covers: jekk ma tispeċifikax, we will ship you the velvet egghead.
    you have choices, velvet flat cover, silver long neck, jew għonq twil tad-deheb.
    if you want them, please sepcify to our sales team. we will change for you.
    because of the etsy policy, we can’t add more options for your choice.
    this model is with European size
    Għoli:70cm no head
    Spalla: 40cm
    6. vjeġġ: a. fast sea shipment to USA
    18-25 working days
    b. canada 45-55days
    c.australi:35-40 jiem
    d. european union:
    all free shipping including VAT. NO EXTRA COST.
    But for countries as POLAND, BULGRAIA, IRELAND, it’s possible that you will be charged VAT again at destination countries.
    if you mind, jekk jogħġbok tpoġġix l-ordni.

    Personalized Colors M/L Size Female Mannequin Dress Form Emily

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