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Dar / Formoli tal-ilbies / Economy wooden articulated arms adjustable base natural linen female mannequin dress form Mona

Economy wooden articulated arms adjustable base natural linen female mannequin dress form Mona

Economy wooden articulated arms adjustable base natural linen female mannequin dress form Mona
  • Inkjesta Issa! 2023-09-01 03:38:19

    Economy wooden articulated arms adjustable base natural linen female mannequin dress form Mona

    Link tal-bejgħ Etsy:https://www.etsy.com/listing/1041481402/economy-wooden-articulated-arms?click_key=c12e6405c948e71a30e7507003c889150422af60%3A1041481402&click_sum=d82b53b2&ref=shop_home_active_25&frs=1&crt=1&sts=1

    1. materjal: plastik
    2. bażi: adjustable square base silver/gold
    għat-tubi għall-bażi, għandna żewġ tubi, wieħed fin-nofs u l-ieħor fuq in-naħa tal-lemin, jekk trid tilbes qliezet, bikinis, eċċ, tista' tuża t-tubu t-tajjeb biex tpoġġi fuq il-bażi.

    piż bażi:2.5kg(square)

    3.drapp: bjankerija naturali(please kindly note linen texture with the last two photos). if you don’t like, jekk jogħġbok kellem mat-tim tal-bejgħ tagħna, we have other options.
    but this linen, it’s the best selling.

    4. 2 sizes options.
    if you don’t specify the size when you place the order to us, we would make the SIZE B with chest size 86cm for you.
    SIZE A(S)

    DAQS B(M)

    5. the silver base would have the silver cap as the picture if you select the cap. the gold base would have the gold cap if you select the cap.
    6. armi: lotus wooden arms with paint
    7. shipment solutions
    vjeġġ: fast sea shipment solution to USA.
    door to door :20-30 working days to your door including processing time.
    to European union, truck shipment, 25-35 working days.

    adjustable base natural linen female mannequin dress form Mona

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