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Dar / Formoli tal-ilbies / Bażi Tripod Iswed Mdendlin Armi ta 'l-injam tal-bellus Iswed Manikin femminili Dress Form Helga

Bażi Tripod Iswed Mdendlin Armi ta 'l-injam tal-bellus Iswed Manikin femminili Dress Form Helga

Bażi Tripod Iswed Mdendlin Armi ta 'l-injam tal-bellus Iswed Manikin femminili Dress Form Helga
  • Inkjesta Issa! 2023-09-01 06:32:00

    Bażi Tripod Iswed Mdendlin Armi ta 'l-injam tal-bellus Iswed Manikin femminili Dress Form Helga

    Link tal-bejgħ Etsy:https://www.etsy.com/listing/1466366886/black-tripod-base-hanging-wooden-arms?click_key=948c8e8c75441d4a956c09f63bc65417d4f12870%3A1466366886&click_sum=256fdc21&ref=shop_home_active_53&frs=1&sts=1

    1. materjal: plastik
    2. kulur: standard colors and personalized velvet colors available
    3. bażi: bażi tripod iswed aġġustabbli
    4. armi: hanging wooden arms as pictures.
    for hanging, it’s flexible. if you want the screwing one not hanging, please tell our sales team to replace for you.
    5. vjeġġ: upgraded shipment solution available with air shipment, fedex, UPS.
    for 1pcs, theresno air shipment service.
    please kindly note the ETA time.

    Black Velvet Female Mannequin Dress Form Helga

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