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Dar / Mannequins tal-kromju / wiri vjola 10 joħloq 2 SIDER daqsijiet deheb chrome egghead plastik mannequins femminili Amelia

wiri vjola 10 joħloq 2 SIDER daqsijiet deheb chrome egghead plastik mannequins femminili Amelia

wiri vjola 10 joħloq 2 SIDER daqsijiet deheb chrome egghead plastik mannequins femminili Amelia
  • Inkjesta Issa! 2021-11-24 09:26:10

    10 joħloq 2 SIDER daqsijiet deheb chrome egghead plastik mannequins femminili Amelia

    10 joħloq 2 sizes gold chrome plastic female mannequins Amelia

    1. materjal: PP plastic
    2. ras mannequin: egghead head
    3. kuluri: kromju tad-deheb/kromju tal-fidda
    4. bażi: glass/metal base
    5. daqsijiet
    we have two CHEST sizes available.


    sider:86cm or 82cm(two choices)


    When you place the order to us, please do remember to leave us the chest size that you want.

    egghead plastic female gold chrome mannequin FE

    egghead plastic female gold chrome mannequin FE

    egghead plastic female gold chrome mannequin FE-12G

    egghead plastic female gold chrome mannequin FE-12G

    egghead plastic female gold chrome mannequin FE-9G

    egghead plastic female gold chrome mannequin FE-9G

    33.9inch chest size gold chrome female mannequin FE-12G

    33.9inch chest size gold chrome female mannequin FE-12G

    Formola ta' Inkjesta


    Verifika: 5 + 4 = ?

    Please enter the answer to the sum & Click Submit to verify your registration.

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