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Doheem / Sport Mannequins / athletesch Fitness Mannequinen / full body female fitness sports athletic mannequin JS01

full body female fitness sports athletic mannequin JS01

full body female fitness sports athletic mannequin JS01
  • Ufro elo! 2021-10-20 11:13:26

    liladisplay white matte full body standing faceless female sports athletic fitness mannequin JS01

    Material: fiberglass

    head style:faceless

    Faarf:wäiss matt

    JS01 is a female sports mannequin with straight mannequin pose.

    the JS collection is designed for sports wear and casual wear display use.

    JS01 is the most populr mannequin pose with the straight arms and straight legs, a 100% athelte mannequin body.



    liladisplay white matte full body standing faceless female sports athletic fitness manenquin JS01

    liladisplay white matte full body standing faceless female sports athletic fitness manenquin JS01

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