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Doheem / Retail Display Regal a Rack / justierbar Héicht Gold Faarf Metall Schal Display Stand SDD02

justierbar Héicht Gold Faarf Metall Schal Display Stand SDD02

justierbar Héicht Gold Faarf Metall Schal Display Stand SDD02
Ufro elo! 2021-05-19 03:01:32

justierbar Héicht Gold Faarf Metall Schal Display Stand SDD02


Faarf: gold

function:Schal Display

SSD02 is an adjustable height scarf display stand.

It has 3 display bars for scarf display which you could use for mutiple pieces scarves display.

The unique design has 3 display bars which all have the adjustable height which gives the flexibility for the display image.


lilladdisplay adjustable height gold color metal scarf display stand SDD02

lilladdisplay adjustable height gold color metal scarf display stand SDD02

lilladdisplay adjustable height gold color metal scarf display stand SDD02

lilladdisplay adjustable height gold color metal scarf display stand SDD02

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