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Doheem / Bijouen&Watch Store Display Ariichtungen / Personaliséiert Faarwen Upassbar Gold Base Hot Pink Velvet Bijouen Display Stand Julie

Personaliséiert Faarwen Upassbar Gold Base Hot Pink Velvet Bijouen Display Stand Julie

Personaliséiert Faarwen Upassbar Gold Base Hot Pink Velvet Bijouen Display Stand Julie
  • Ufro elo! 2023-09-25 08:50:12

    Personaliséiert Faarwen Upassbar Gold Base Hot Pink Velvet Bijouen Display Stand Julie

    Etsy verkafen Link:https://www.etsy.com/listing/1494958785/personalized-colors-adjustable-gold-base?click_key=b5eee02b0d14a0fce96fc597d58718586e07125a%3A1494958785&click_sum=534aa750&ref=shop_home_active_61&frs=1&sts=1

    1.Material: Schaum

    with foam, you can use pins on it if you need.

    1. Basis: adjustable gold/silver round base

    fixed height wooden base

    1. base height:

    gold/silver base adjustable height: 20-38cm

    fixed wooden base height:32cm

    1. Samt Faarwen: personalized colors available with the standard colors option
    2. Liwwerung: air express shipment worldwide about 10-20days.
    3. if you buy big quantity or accept slower shipment solution, plesae talk with our sales team.

      Hot Pink Velvet Jewelry Display Stand Julie

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