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/ 소매점 비품-블로그 |LILLA 디스플레이 CO., LTD / 조절 가능한 블루 벨벳 드레스 형태로 로우 컷 화이트 드레스가 어떻게 보이는지?

조절 가능한 블루 벨벳 드레스 형태로 로우 컷 화이트 드레스가 어떻게 보이는지?

2022-07-30 07:48:49

조절 가능한 블루 벨벳 드레스 형태로 로우 컷 화이트 드레스가 어떻게 보이는지?

  1. the blue velvet is perfect match for a white dress.
  2. the gold articulated arms make the white dress look luxury and fabulous.
  3. the white dress cost is 9usd.
  4. if you want to buy something colorful and good look for your store visual display, especially the dresses, the velvet dress forms could be one choice.
  5. we have shipment solution to USA, CANADA, 호주, 유럽 ​​연합, UNITED KINGDOM on etsy. if you are from these countries, and you want to buy, you can buy from etsy directly.
  6. 엣시 구매링크:HTTPS://www.etsy.com/listing/1262588242/adjustable-gold-base-blue-velvet-female?click_key=76142318f7f104e1677499d0903d2e09c530c821%3A1262588242&click_sum=9fcce9b1&ref=shop_home_active_1&frs=1&색상 벨벳 여성 마네킹 헤드
  7. if you are from asian countries, you could talk with our sales team to get a door to door service
  8. 다른 나라의 경우, because of the shipment solution, our dress forms have the big package size, maybe it’s better for you to buy 1cbm, about 6-7pcs.
  9. for our velvet dress forms, we have 99colors+43colors for your choice with different weight velvet and colors choices.
  10. whatsapp:+8615000201797 이메일:lilladisplay@gmail.com

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