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/ 소매점 비품-블로그 |LILLA 디스플레이 CO., LTD / Aramex사와 캐리어 계약 체결

Aramex사와 캐리어 계약 체결

2022-02-02 06:43:56

...에 대한 2022, lilladisplay has a great news to share with all our clients.

whether you place the wholesale order to us, or if you buy from us on Etsy, Amazon for the retail orders, we could use ARAMEX as the upgraded shipment carrier.

여러분 모두 아시다시피, Aramex has worldwide service, especially they have good rate and faster delivery time to Middel east countries, such as DUBAI, saudi arabia.

Australia and Newzealand are their key service countries.

for countries as India, we has limited solution for you, now we could use Aramex.

to Africa, Aramex is also good on that.

welcome to enquiry us with door to door wholesale store fixtures project or retail sale.

talk with our sales team with your detail address including post code, we would give you a precise quotation.

wish you all have a prosperous Tiger year.

lilladsplay team

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