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Casa / Joyería&Reloj de los accesorios del almacén de visualización / Base de oro ajustable Coral Terciopelo Joyas Soporte para el cuello Josie

Base de oro ajustable Coral Terciopelo Joyas Soporte para el cuello Josie

Base de oro ajustable Coral Terciopelo Joyas Soporte para el cuello Josie
  • investigación ahora! 2023-07-24 06:24:24

    Base de oro ajustable Coral Terciopelo Joyas Soporte para el cuello Josie

    Enlace de venta de ETSY:https://www.etsy.com/listing/1299974041/adjustable-gold-base-coral-velvet?click_key=5abe67741f9df6b6d95546163c1f17c34886271c%3A1299974041&click_sum=f5edeaaf&ref=shop_home_active_7&frs = 1&[object Window]
    1.material: espuma
    con material de espuma, it has unlimited pinnable times if you need use pins on it.
    2.colores: in the picture Coral( NO 33 on our color chart)
    we have some standard colors for your choice such as black, blanco, crema, azul, Rosa caliente,etc..
    you also can select the color chart No but the processing time for the color in the color chart will be 3-5days more.
    3. base: adjustable gold/silver base
    4. covers: you can select the same velvet cover, or gold long neck, or silver long neck cover as the cover of Jolin.
    Jolin listing link:
    5.solución de envío:14-25 days worldwide air shipment.
    if you need faster delivery for Events, fashion weeks, store opening, etc with tight schedule, please kindly talk with our sales team for the upgraded shipment with UPS, FEDEX.

    Base de oro ajustable Coral Terciopelo Joyas Soporte para el cuello Josie

    Base de oro ajustable Coral Terciopelo Joyas Soporte para el cuello Josie

    Base de oro ajustable Coral Terciopelo Joyas Soporte para el cuello Josie

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