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Casa / Formas de vestir / Lilladisplay Tienda de bodas Decoración Pantalla Base dorada ajustable Terciopelo blanco Maniquí femenino Vestido Forma Winnie

Lilladisplay Tienda de bodas Decoración Pantalla Base dorada ajustable Terciopelo blanco Maniquí femenino Vestido Forma Winnie

Lilladisplay Tienda de bodas Decoración Pantalla Base dorada ajustable Terciopelo blanco Maniquí femenino Vestido Forma Winnie
  • investigación ahora! 2023-09-01 01:39:57

    Lilladisplay Tienda de bodas Decoración Pantalla Base dorada ajustable Terciopelo blanco Maniquí femenino Vestido Forma Winnie

    Enlace de venta de Etsy:https://www.etsy.com/listing/1464714353/lilladisplay-wedding-store-decor-display?click_key=eeb831490f01332e0075dd5a663f7024010f4701%3A1464714353&click_sum=02f5093a&ref=shop_home_active_12&frs = 1&[object Window]

    1. material: el plastico
    2. base: adjustable gold square base/ Gold Tripod Base Silver Square/Silver tripod base
    for the tubes for base, we have two tubes, one in middle and the other on the right side, if you want to wear pants, bikinis, etc., you could use the right tube to put on the base.
    base weight:2.5kg

    3. brazos: NO arms/ Wooden arms as pictures
    4. tela: white velvet as pictures
    5. tamaños
    we have two sizes for your choice. Please specify if you need the Small SIZE(A). we will send you the size M(Medium) if you don’t have the specified messages to us.
    Talla A:





    Talla B:




    6. cabeza: velvet head all the choices will have the velvet head
    7. please do note about the ETA time of when you get the dress forms.
    if you need the mannequin dress forms for events, store openning etc with tight schedule, please do contact us for upgraded shipment solution.

    Velvet Female Mannequin Dress Form Winni

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