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Casa / Soporte de exhibición de zapatos de acrílico / Zapatos romanos de vendaje hasta la rodilla Pantalla de pie de maniquí de plexiglás transparente Forma AF09

Zapatos romanos de vendaje hasta la rodilla Pantalla de pie de maniquí de plexiglás transparente Forma AF09

Zapatos romanos de vendaje hasta la rodilla Pantalla de pie de maniquí de plexiglás transparente Forma AF09
investigación ahora! 2022-11-14 10:10:02

Knee High Roman Bandage Shoes Display Clear Plexi Transparent Upside Down Knee Female Mannequin Foot Form AF09
1. material: acrílico
It’s hollow inside.
2. color: clear transparent
3. altura:free standing 70cm
anchura:16cm(standing bottom diameter)
4. estilo: upside down style
5. funciones: it’s good for long socks display, knee high roman bandage shoes, knee high roman bandage boots display, tienda visual,etc..
6. envío: shipment time is around 15-25 working days to different countries.
upgraded shipment solution is offered.
it’s made of acrylic and it’s clear, but because of the material production procedure, it’s possible that if you have the repeated order, even if it’s clear, it’s possible that there\s color difference.
if you do care about this, plesae buy all the quantity with one order.

8.enlace de compra de etsy:

https://www.etsy.com/listing/1105365814/knee-high-roman-bandage-shoes-display?click_key=2461e64b7e5bac6028e543b944ca8000dfcfdba9%3A1105365814&click_sum=7cca2b1c&ref=shop_home_active_125&frs = 1&[object Window]

9.enlace de vídeo de youtube:

https://youtube.com/shorts/9p1s_YE5WX0?característica = compartir

Knee High Roman Bandage Shoes Clear Plexi Display Shoe Stand AF09

Knee High Roman Bandage Shoes Clear Plexi Display Shoe Stand AF09

Knee High Bandage Shoes Display Stand AF09

Knee High Bandage Shoes Display Stand AF09

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