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Home / Ghjuvelli&Watch Store Fixtures Display / 99 colori cucitura velluto unisex mannequin testa cù spalle Robin

99 colori cucitura velluto unisex mannequin testa cù spalle Robin

99 colori cucitura velluto unisex mannequin testa cù spalle Robin
  • Richiesta Avà! 2023-09-26 03:42:03

    99 colori cucitura velluto unisex mannequin testa cù spalle Robin

    Ligame di vendita Etsy:https://www.etsy.com/listing/1109385588/personalized-99-colors-velvet-unisex?click_key=7775e5a6644d42c55c99fed486e33224fd6fefb9%3A1109385588&click_sum=ad47cad3&ref=shop_home_active_9&frs=1&crt=1&sts=1
    materiale: Foam pinnable
    tissu: vellutu
    culori: custom color service is offered. we have the color chart for your choice.
    basa: NO base
    taglia di u capu:55cm
    Robin is good for all kinds of hats display, mostra di ghjuvelli, mostra di cravatte, mostra di camicie, ecc.
    if you need a head form for sewing with shoulders for Tiaras, hair jewelry, ornamenti di capelli, hats, it’s the perfect one for you.
    Personalized colors are available.
    spedizione: because of the special period, the fedex is really expensive now, for keeping the cost, we use the fast ship to ship the Items to USA.
    20-25days to USA, NO EXTRA COST.

    persunalizatu 99 colors velvet unisex sewing mannequin head with shoulders Robin

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