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Dress your sports wear as Under Armour with the sports mannequins
2021-09-24 10:29:00If you are looking for some sports mannequins for your sportswear stores, maybe Under Armour could be the example.
A simple standing full body headless male with a back arm male mannequin torso stand on the gate to the door.
The visual image really catches the eyes.
They use the dark gray color for the mannequins, which are popular these days for the sports mannequins
want the same styles of the male sports mannequins?
please check the following links:
lilladisplay ochiq kul rang orqa qo'llar erkak sport maneken tanasi JR-9
lilladisplay atletik sport boshsiz erkak maneken JR-1H
because of the high rate of the shipment cost and big package size of the sports mannequins, we would use the sea shipment door to door service for you to USA, and Truck+train service to Europe which are affordable and economy.
stock available, 72hours delivery service.
if you want different mannequins head, or different color painting, we need MOQ:5pcs/model.
Service mail:
Service whatsapp:+8615000201797

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