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Dom / Formy ubioru / Cztery różowe kolory, przegubowe złote ramiona, żeński manekin w sukience od Marii

Cztery różowe kolory, przegubowe złote ramiona, żeński manekin w sukience od Marii

Cztery różowe kolory, przegubowe złote ramiona, żeński manekin w sukience od Marii
  • zapytanie teraz! 2023-09-01 06:45:22

    Cztery różowe kolory, przegubowe złote ramiona, żeński manekin w sukience od Marii

    Link do sprzedaży Etsy:https://www.etsy.com/listing/1477641647/four-pink-colors-articulated-gold-arms?click_key=80c9175a40a580e6b22a8a2f826fda3a986ff9a6%3A1477641647&click_sum=499431da&ref=shop_home_active_56&frs=1&sts=1

    1. materiał: Plastikowy
    2. baza: adjustable gold square base
    for the tubes for base, we have two tubes, one in middle and the other on the right side, if you want to wear pants, bikinis, itp, you could use the right tube to put on the base.
    base weight:3.75kg

    3. ramiona: gold flexible arms
    the arms color will be the same as the base colors that you select. it means that if you order the gold base, you will have the gold color arms.

    4. tkanina: velvet with 3 pink colors that are popular among our clients.

    if you want personalized colors or other colors, please click the following listing:


    5. rozmiary
    for Maria, we have two sizes for your choice.
    Rozmiar A:


    Klatka piersiowa:82cm



    Rozmiar B:


    Klatka piersiowa:86cm


    if you don’t specify, we will ship you the SIZE B(M). if you want the small size, please put to the personalization form.
    6. with the cost, you get the velvet body+velvet head+arms+ base +free shipment including VAT
    No extra cost at destination.
    7. jeśli chcesz ulepszone rozwiązanie wysyłki, we have FEDEX, UPS for your choice, but with the exress shipment, it’s possible that you need pay the TAX, please do note this point.
    8. the video with the wooden arms is for your reference to check the color and the style. the only different from the listing is the arms.

    Articulated Gold Arms Female Mannequin Dress Form Maria

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