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Namai / Vaikas&Kūdikių manekenės / lilladisplay wooden base foam material children mannequin dress form SC01

lilladisplay wooden base foam material children mannequin dress form SC01

lilladisplay wooden base foam material children mannequin dress form SC01
  • Užklausa dabar! 2021-03-22 09:46:20

    lilladisplay wooden base foam material children mannequin dress form SC01

    SC-01 is a child dress form mannequin made with foam material.

    it’s with unlimited pinnable times.

    It’s good for child dress sewing use.

    SC01 is a perfect child clothing sewing tool.

    For the children clothing store diplay, SC01 is for the children clothing size 1-2 metų.

    Cause SC01 has leg parts of the mannequin, you could use it almost for all kinds of child clothing display, small dresses,infant unisex romper body suit, one piece jumpsuit etc.

    Size Height :40 cm Shoulder:26 cm chest:49 cm Waist:48 cm hips:53 cm

    youtube link: https://youtu.be/iJ0BFIsai84

    etsy store buying direct link:Violetinis ekranas 1-2 Years Old Wooden Base Foam Material Children | Etsy

    Amazon store:https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09GXWMCJD?ref=myi_title_dp

    lilladisplay sewing child dress form SC01

    lilladisplay sewing child dress form SC01

    lilladisplay wooden base foam material children mannequin dress form SC01

    lilladisplay wooden base foam material children mannequin dress form SC01


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