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Namai / Suknelių formos / Gėlėta aksominė moteriška manekenės suknelė Florence su reguliuojamu sidabriniu pagrindu

Gėlėta aksominė moteriška manekenės suknelė Florence su reguliuojamu sidabriniu pagrindu

Gėlėta aksominė moteriška manekenės suknelė Florence su reguliuojamu sidabriniu pagrindu
  • Užklausa dabar! 2023-09-11 01:55:47

    Gėlėta aksominė moteriška manekenės suknelė Florence su reguliuojamu sidabriniu pagrindu

    1. medžiaga:plastmasinis
    2. medžiaga: floral velvet as picture

    3.bazė: adjustable silver square base/gold square base

    4.rankos: articulated silver arms/gold arms

    if you want wooden arms, please leave message to us or to the personalization form

    kaklo blokai: silver as picture/gold same style /natural wooden as pictures

    5.SIZE M:






    6.siunta:please note your ETA with etsy.

    upgraded shipment solution is offered with extra cost.

    7.personalization service for Velvet: if you have quantity more than 10pcs including 10pcs, we have the free upgraded floral printed service on the velvet.

    it means that you can show us the pictures of the printed velvet that you want for your dress forms. we can make as what you want.

    Etsy pardavimo nuoroda:https://www.etsy.com/listing/1549130092/floral-velvet-female-mannequin-dress?click_key=512cc364142b4f8a22a574322f8056becbe9c394%3A1549130092&click_sum=1f05b51f&ref=shop_home_active_2&frs=1&sts=1

    silver chrome arm with silver square base

    Amazon pardavimo nuoroda:https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CHR7FZPW?ref=myi_title_dp&th=1

    wooden arm with gold square base

    wooden arm &silver chrome arm

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