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/ 드레스 형태 / 조정 가능한 35cm 골드 베이스 천연 나무 관절 팔 천연 리넨 여성 드레스 양식 미나

조정 가능한 35cm 골드 베이스 천연 나무 관절 팔 천연 리넨 여성 드레스 양식 미나

조정 가능한 35cm 골드 베이스 천연 나무 관절 팔 천연 리넨 여성 드레스 양식 미나
  • 지금 조회! 2023-09-01 04:01:53

    Adjustable Tabletop 35cm Gold Base Natural Wooden Articulated Arms Natural Linen Female Dress Form Mina

    Etsy 판매 링크:https://www.etsy.com/listing/1251602041/adjustable-35cm-gold-base-natural-wooden?click_key=a7dd5e4413279ab36beced4dc404d8d6e84d6994%3A1251602041&click_sum=3737c6b1&ref=shop_home_active_33&frs=1&sts=1

    1.자료: 플라스틱
    2. 구조: 사진으로 천연 린넨
    3. 베이스: adjustable gold square base (2.5킬로그램)

    4. base height: base pole original height is 35cm, but the height you can use is 30cm.
    5. 크기

    사이즈 B(중):





    6.무기: 사진으로 천연 나무 팔
    we also have upgraded arms, NS. more flexible 3 joints b. beech without paint(European clients maybe prefer) c.white wooden arms
    if you have special requirement, don’t hesitate to talk with our sales team.

    7. 스타일

    neck styles gold/silver will not be as picture with round cap, it will be the long neck as specified.
    이 점을 꼭 참고해주세요. if you place the order, it means that you will accept the neck style that we offer.

    8. The cost is including shipment and VAT.
    for European countries such as POLAND, 아일랜드, 불가리아, there’s possible that you will be charged again VAT in your destination country.
    if you do mind, please don’t place the order.

    35cm Gold Base Natural Wooden Articulated Arms Natural Linen Female Dress Form



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