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Home / Jewelry&Watch Store Display Fixtures / 29” wooden base 9 colors velvet female mannequin head form with shoulders Flavia

29” wooden base 9 colors velvet female mannequin head form with shoulders Flavia

29” wooden base 9 colors velvet female mannequin head form with shoulders Flavia
  • Enquiry Now! 2023-09-25 07:14:00

    Sunglasses display gold color female mannequin head Lily

    Etsy selling link:https://www.etsy.com/listing/1180921795/29-wooden-base-9-colors-velvet-female?click_key=1dac49bd7e436ec4d123e8747ddd949c0e3356ba%3A1180921795&click_sum=35c0b997&ref=shop_home_active_129&frs=1&sts=1


    color:gold chrome/silver chrome

    style: free standing


    Functions: Lily is good for sunglasses display.

    of course, you could use her for your home accents, home decors.

    shipment: YANWEN STANDARD

    velvet female mannequin head form with shoulders Flavia

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