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Home / Child&Baby mannequins / Lilladisplay-children egghead mannequins white glossy-LCHD

Lilladisplay-children egghead mannequins white glossy-LCHD

Lilladisplay-children egghead mannequins white glossy-LCHD
  • Enquiry Now! 2018-01-02 06:44:50

    LCHD is a fiberglass high gloss child mannequins collection which includes the toddler baby mannequin to the children mannequins around 10-12 years old.
    with LCHD, you could do the store visual and window display easily with dressing them up with several models mixed.
    Mannequin comes with sturdy glass base or a metal base.

    6 months egghead child toddler baby mannequin white glossy LCHD-01

    egghead children mannequin

    12 months egghead child mannequin straight arms straight legs with white glossy color LCHD-02

    4 years old full body 100cm white glossy color children fiberglass mannequin LCHD-03

    6 years old display Standing children mannequin with left arm bended in white glossy color LCHD-04

    egghead children mannequin

    8 years old child fiberglass mannequin high glossy white color LCHD-05

    egghead children mannequin

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