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Casa / Formas de vestido / vestido masculino de lona offwhite form-DM01

vestido masculino de lona offwhite form-DM01

vestido masculino de lona offwhite form-DM01
Inquérito agora! 2019-11-05 09:32:37

vestido masculino de lona offwhite form-DM01

DM01 is lilladisplay bespoke Europen style and size male mannequin torso dress form.

He is made covering with the white canvas.

The articulated arms are made with solid wooden beech with natural color and texture.

both the head and arms are detachable which are easily assembled.

on the picture, it’s with the adjustable round gold chrome base which shows the high quality of the mannequin torso.

Lilladisplay supplies different choices of the dress forms accessories such as the pants display and shoe display stand.

welcome to inquiry detail.

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