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Casa / Prateleira de exibição de varejo e rack / Expositores / Lilladisplay-stock display de gôndola de montagem fácil no chão 20200201

Lilladisplay-stock display de gôndola de montagem fácil no chão 20200201

Lilladisplay-stock display de gôndola de montagem fácil no chão 20200201
Inquérito agora! 2020-02-03 09:31:55

This floor standing display gondola shelf 20200201 is designed for the swimwear, underwears, bras stores display.

temos 3 colors stock available, Preto, white and gold color.


it’s good for all kinds of a store display, even if you have limited pop-up store space in the shopping malls.

minimum quantity is 1 pcs and stock is always available.

if you have the quantity more than 20pcs, you could have the custom color service to have

a clothing store display fixture

the display colors as you want for your stores.

Welcome to talk with lilladisplay for your visual display ideas.

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