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Home / Retail display shelf and rack / Display Racks / lilladisplay 3 chrome colors shirts display metal stand SST01

lilladisplay 3 chrome colors shirts display metal stand SST01

lilladisplay 3 chrome colors shirts display metal stand SST01
Enquiry Now! 2021-05-19 01:20:02

lilladisplay 3 chrome colors metal Shirts display stand SST01

material: metal

chrome colors: silver, gold, bronze gold


Pole height range:120-220mm

Base diameter:88mm

Side length:300mm

Front width:220mm

SST01 is almost the only designed metal stand for Shirts. If you are looking for a Shirt display stand, SST01 is not a bad choice if you don’t have special request.

lilladisplay 3 chrome colors metal Shirts display stand SST01

lilladisplay 3 chrome colors metal Shirts display stand SST01

lilladisplay 3 chrome colors metal Shirts display stand SST01

lilladisplay 3 chrome colors metal Shirts display stand SST01

lilladisplay 3 chrome colors metal Shirts display stand SST01

lilladisplay 3 chrome colors metal Shirts display stand SST01

lilladisplay 3 chrome colors metal Shirts display stand SST01

lilladisplay 3 chrome colors metal Shirts display stand SST01

lilladisplay 3 chrome colors metal Shirts display stand SST01

lilladisplay 3 chrome colors metal Shirts display stand SST01

lilladisplay 3 chrome colors metal Shirts display stand SST01

lilladisplay 3 chrome colors metal Shirts display stand SST01

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