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Home / Retail display shelf and rack / Display Racks / Lilladisplay- metal hanging portable clothing store display stand racks shelves DS1007M

Lilladisplay- metal hanging portable clothing store display stand racks shelves DS1007M

Lilladisplay- metal hanging portable clothing store display stand racks shelves DS1007M
  • Enquiry Now! 2018-02-06 09:16:42

    metal hanging portable clothing store display stand racks shelves

    DS1007M display shelves has the popular easily assemble design which makes the retail store display more flexible and easy. The metal display shelves are connected with both sides of the display brackets which you could decide the quantity of the brackets you use.and the display shelves tables can be used to display various different objects in a limited space, which could effectively utilize the space. The whole metal structure makes the display rack durable.

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