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Home / Jewelry&Watch Store Display Fixtures / lilladisplay wooden base sewing pinnable natural linen male mannequin head with shoulders Robert

lilladisplay wooden base sewing pinnable natural linen male mannequin head with shoulders Robert

lilladisplay wooden base sewing pinnable natural linen male mannequin head with shoulders Robert
  • Enquiry Now! 2023-09-26 03:31:03

    lilladisplay wooden base sewing pinnable natural linen male mannequin head with shoulders Robert

    Etsy selling link:https://www.etsy.com/listing/1166675143/lilladisplay-wooden-base-sewing-pinnable?click_key=29e77eb6dcf8a8b2a1aa82c7d736236f5be4a4c7%3A1166675143&click_sum=e22078fd&ref=shop_home_active_8&frs=1&sts=1
    1. material: foam
    you could use it for sewing, draping. it’s with unlimited pinnable times.
    2. style: manneqin head with shoulders
    3. fabric: natural linen
    4. base: wooden adjustable base
    5. functions: ties display, bowties display, shirts display, fabric display,
    headband display, headphone display
    6. Proceeding time: 1-3 days( NO HOLIDAY TIME)
    7. Shipment solution: CHINA POST ESB 10-25days
    8. if you want cheaper, we suggest that you buy 5pcs, then we use sea shipment.
    this mannequin head bust has big package size. for single pieces with fast shipment, it’s too expensive.

    linen male mannequin head with shoulders Robert

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