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Home / Plastic Mannequins / Lilladisplay personalized 9 colors adjustable gold base gold arms silk female dress form JoJo

Lilladisplay personalized 9 colors adjustable gold base gold arms silk female dress form JoJo

Lilladisplay personalized 9 colors adjustable gold base gold arms silk female dress form JoJo
  • Enquiry Now! 2023-07-24 04:17:26

    Lilladisplay personalized 9 colors adjustable gold base gold arms silk female dress form JoJo

    ETSY selling link:https://www.etsy.com/listing/1163361556/lilladisplay-personalized-9-colors?click_key=c249d2da876d13a96c10c4aaec90bd94ef0c6902%3A1163361556&click_sum=344043e3&ref=shop_home_active_26&frs=1&sts=1


    2.mannequin head style:egg head

    3.mannequin arms:gold arms/silver arms

    jojo is the same mannequin as jane if you do not like gold arms,we have wooden arms for you choice.


    4.base:adjustable gold/silver square base:70-130cm

    5.colors:standard 9 colors for you choice we generally keep the stock such as white,and gray are popluar. for other colors,the production lead time will be little longer .if you need in a rush ,just take white or gray.

    the silk is much more complicated to make. our workers only can make 2-3 pcs per day,really slow production .

    6.farbic:silk (because we take the pictures under the light, the actual fabric would have a little bit color difference, not that shinning as the picture).
    7. size S

    blue color videro link: https://youtube.com/shorts/pbRQQCQp1Pc?feature=share
    white color video link:https://youtube.com/shorts/eIh8sBnbxAM?feature=share



    Lilladisplay personalized 9 colors adjustable gold base gold arms silk female dress form JoJo

    Lilladisplay personalized 9 colors adjustable gold base gold arms silk female dress form JoJo

    Lilladisplay personalized 9 colors adjustable gold base gold arms silk female dress form JoJo

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